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Five Questions with Kristy Jackson, Senior Completions Assistant in Louisiana

October 17, 2022

As a Senior Completions Assistant, Kristy plays a vital role in the daily administrative support of the on-site completions activities in the Haynesville. When she’s not working, Kristy enjoys investing, trading and learning about the stock market and financial markets. She also loves outdoor activities and traveling.

What was your path to working at Chesapeake?  

In December, I’ll celebrate nine years at Chesapeake. I previously worked as a Production Assistant and as an Equipment Specialist in supply chain. 

Originally, I’m from Mansfield, Louisiana, and I’ve lived in the area most of my life and attended college there as well. Before joining the oil and gas industry, I worked in student affairs for different educational institutions. Although it was rewarding, I was interested in finding an industry outside of education that was both a new challenge and provided opportunities for me to use the skills I acquired over the years. I saw oil and gas as an unfamiliar industry with a wide range of diverse roles and projects. I learn something new every day and know that there is always so much more to learn.

What are your daily responsibilities as a Senior Completions Assistant? 

While I work with a team, it’s really my job to keep the field operations data for our current locations on track to help ensure successful completions activities. My day starts with reviewing my task list and goals for the day, and then I review all the overnight activity from the rest of the crew on Teams, as well as the Wellview reports from the previous day. I also check in with superintendents and consultants and attend any field team or drilling and completion meetings. Additionally, I review invoices, speak to vendors that have questions, and visit frac locations as needed to assist the completions consultants.

Chesapeake’s Haynesville operations are certified as 100% responsibly sourced gas. What has been your role in the certification process and what have you learned? 

The primary areas I am involved in (related to the certification process) are assisting the completions field team with tracking and recording water management, gathering fuel usage (fuel gas for frac fleet) and providing environmental metrics. 

As global standards for ESG (environmental, social and governance) continue to be established and refined, I think ESG will be a leading indicator of company performance and success for different stakeholders in the future. It’s exciting to see Chesapeake incorporate ESG metrics and commitments into our corporate strategy, and it’s remarkable what Chesapeake has accomplished as the first producer to achieve RSG certification in two basins. ESG and sustainability are complex topics that are constantly evolving, making this certification a significant achievement.

How would you describe working at Chesapeake?  

Innovation, accountability and commitment are words that you hear often around this company and I believe they really reflect our culture. 

What makes you proud to work at Chesapeake? 

The people and culture make me a proud Chesapeake employee. We collaborate across different departments daily and there is a sincere commitment to the One CHK principles. Importantly, company leadership has always been supportive and encouraging.   

“Innovation, accountability and commitment are words that you hear often around this company and I believe they really reflect our culture,” said Kristy Jackson, Senior Completions Assistant.

Kristy Jackson and Sammy Briscoe, Maintenance and Construction Superintendent, collaborate at a duel fuel frac site in the Haynesville.

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