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Five Questions with Stormey Webster, Senior Administrative Assistant

March 07, 2023

This March, Women’s History Month, we’re celebrating the vital role of women in American history and our industry. One woman who makes a difference every day at our company is Stormey Webster, a Senior Administrative Assistant in our Haynesville asset. She is a true advocate for women in the industry and in her free time, a fierce barrel racer.

What’s a typical day like for you in your role? And what led you to Chesapeake?

I joined Chesapeake in November 2021 with the acquisition of Vine Energy Inc. Even though I’m somewhat new to Chesapeake, I’ve called Sabine Parish, Louisiana home since 2004 and am proud to now be part of the CHK family, which has had a local presence for many years.

As a Senior Administrative Assistant for the area, I enjoy a wide variety of responsibilities including providing support to the Haynesville Operations Manager and working with teams across many other departments. I coordinate the vehicle fleet at the field level and am heavily involved in our local community outreach and philanthropic efforts including local CHK volunteer projects.

Additionally, I serve on the newly created CHK DEI and ESG Advisory Councils.

Talk to us about your transition from Vine to Chesapeake. What was the process like for you?

My experience transitioning from Vine to Chesapeake was very positive. I think it is normal to be apprehensive of the unknown, and that was certainly true for me when I heard news of the sale. After the first meeting with Chesapeake, I was excited. It was evident that this was a good company to work for, and there would be opportunity for growth. The transition team spent a lot of time answering questions and helping us through the process. I believe these efforts set the stage for us to merge as one team, which I think we have done well.

Being in the industry is part of your identity. Why are you so passionate?

Twelve years ago, I was a struggling college student, unsure of what career path I wanted to take. A boom in the Haynesville Shale brought great career opportunities to the area, many with on-the-job training. Once I landed my first job, I never looked back.

This opportunity changed the course of my life for the better. I am an advocate for the industry because it is still a place where one can pull themselves up by their bootstraps. If you are willing to work hard and learn new skills, the sky is the limit.

Plus, it is an exciting time to be a woman in the industry. Cultures are shifting to become more inclusive and accepting. I have never felt more empowered to have a seat at the table.

You also are an avid barrel racer. What has this sport taught you?

Barrel racing has taught me perseverance. It is a sport where many variables are beyond your control, and things will not always go your way — you must remain focused in pursuit of your goals.

My parents were heavily involved in our local riding club, and I learned how to ride a horse at a very young age after seeing my mom ride and compete. Horses are a passion that has stuck with me since childhood.

In honor of Women’s History Month, is there a female leader who inspires you?

When I started in the industry, I met a young facilities engineer named Jen Saballos who had recently been promoted to Field Production Supervisor. Along with being a talented leader in her field, Jen was generous with knowledge and often provided encouragement and guidance to her colleagues. Today, Jen is the General Manager, Gulf of Mexico Production Assets & Capability at Shell. Her success continues to inspire me.

Stormey Webster
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