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Chesapeake Establishes “The Green Standard” on Corporate Campus

April 28, 2022

In tandem with Chesapeake’s commitment to environmental stewardship and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, we are adopting more sustainable practices on our corporate campus in Oklahoma City. Nicknamed “The Green Standard,” our on-campus initiative supports the idea that all employees can help to reduce our environmental footprint.

“While our field teams are making sustainable operational changes, we recognized that we could do more to reduce the environmental impact of our corporate campus,” said Jill Nevard, Chesapeake HR Professional – Employee Services. “We have been overwhelmed with our employees’ support for these changes and their personal commitments to being more environmentally responsible at work and at home.”

We believe that every contribution counts when it comes to reducing environmental impact. Through The Green Standard, we have:

  • Consolidated office space to conserve lights, water and energy use
  • Expanded timed lighting in offices, based on motion sensors
  • Expanded our in-office recycling program (more than 250,000 lbs. of paper recycled in 2021)
  • Eliminated plastic straws, stir sticks and utensils
  • Eliminated Styrofoam cups and to-go containers
  • Hosted recycling and hazardous waste disposal events for employees to bring their personal items (more than 1,400 lbs. computer equipment salvaged and 75 lbs. of plastic bags recycled in 2021)

In addition to campus-wide changes, Chesapeake’s corporate restaurant is also working to reduce its footprint. Employees are encouraged to use reusable to-go boxes, coffee mugs and water bottles when taking their orders outside of the restaurant. Also, in February 2022, the restaurant began composting and has diverted more than 1.5 tons of waste from landfills. This equates to a reduction of 1.36 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent emissions.

Whether through big or small actions, sustainability is standard practice at Chesapeake. And while we know we have more work to do, we are committed to continuing to adopt impactful and sustainable programs on our corporate campus. 

April Recycling Event Handoff

“While our field teams are making sustainable operational changes, we recognized that we could do more to reduce the environmental impact of our corporate campus,” said Jill Nevard, Chesapeake HR Professional – Employee Services.

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