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Employees Honor Earth Day with Special Environmental Events

April 27, 2023

At Chesapeake, our team shares in our commitment to environmental stewardship — a value that we honor in our daily operations. To celebrate Earth Day, Chesapeake employees participated in various opportunities to reduce our collective environmental footprint and respect our natural resources.  

Household Items Recycling Event (Oklahoma City)

On April 19, we encouraged campus employees to bring batteries, computer equipment, hard drives, plastic bags and unwanted medication for recycling or appropriate disposal. We also accepted paper for shredding and sports equipment which was donated to a local nonprofit.

Impact: More than 1,400 pounds of paper was recycled.

Community Garden Volunteering Event (Oklahoma City)

At our community garden on our corporate campus, Chesapeake employees volunteered alongside the Lynn Institute as they readied the garden for spring planting. The Lynn Institute, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the health of underserved populations, will be managing the garden — growing healthy produce to be shared with the Oklahoma City community.

Impact: 40 employees volunteered a total of 140 hours in the garden.

Seedling Distribution (Towanda, PA)

Chesapeake sponsored an Earth Day celebration in Bradford County during which employees distributed free tree seedlings to attendees. The event also included various environmental exhibits and live animals to increase audience eco awareness.

Impact: Approximately 400 people received seedlings to plant.

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