Living Our Core Values

At Chesapeake, our employees are driven to create value every day. Our core values are the foundation of our company, essential to our success and serve as the lens through which we evaluate every business decision. Our commitment to these values, in both words and actions, builds a stronger, healthier Chesapeake, benefiting all of our stakeholders.

Integrity and Trust

We will:

Be truthful and ethical

Acknowledge errors and be accountable for results

Do what we say we will do

We will not:

Place personal gain above Chesapeake

Mislead anyone regarding our business


We will:

Protect our employees, stakeholders and the environment

Appreciate different behavior styles and seek out different opinions

Promote inclusion and the diversity of thoughts and ideas

We will not:

Place hierarchy over our values

Accept individual recognition for collective efforts

Let our differences divide us

Transparency and Open Communication

We will:

Be clear in our business strategies

Work with a “One Chesapeake” mindset and share best practices

We will not:

Exaggerate our performance

Climb multiple learning curves

Work with a “What’s In It For Me” mindset

Allow silo thinking and guarded information sharing to disrupt innovation

Commercial Focus

We will:

Be investment advisors

Be stewards of corporate resources and the environment

Take prudent risks, employing innovative ideas and technology

We will not:

Be “users” of Chesapeake

Take short-term risks that compromise long-term value

Change Leadership

We will:

Elevate innovative solutions

Pursue continuous development and improvement

Seek to deliver more than what is expected

Reward risk taking and learn from failures

We will not:

Elevate problems without solutions

Be satisfied with status quo

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