Fueling a Better Future for All

We don’t just embrace diversity; we seek it out. As we tackle our industry’s biggest challenges, we need diverse people and diverse thinking to achieve the most innovative outcomes. Our company culture reflects this commitment to diversity — every voice has value at Chesapeake.

A Bold Vision

Our DEI vision is to create a culture of trust and fairness that leads the industry and makes us an employer of choice. This starts by defining DEI within our organization for accountability and alignment.


Recognizing true disparities

Diversity reaches wide: honoring differences, demographics and backgrounds. While all diverse perspectives matter, true diversity recognizes disparities experienced by traditionally marginalized groups.


Rebalancing access to opportunities, free of barriers and systemic exclusion

Equity considers the needs and experiences of the individual (vs. equality, which assumes everyone is the same). It’s a belief that certain people or groups of people have been systemically excluded and deserve to be seen and included.


Recognizing true disparities

Inclusion works to ensure that all have equal access to opportunities and feel empowered to contribute to company success. It’s the difference between being invited to a meeting vs. feeling like a valued member of the meeting.

Advancing Our Commitments

We view DEI as a competitive advantage and, more importantly, as a demonstration of our core values. We focus on five key impact areas to embed DEI within our organization:

Recruiting and retention

Pay and performance


Programs and support

Education and events

To learn more about our DEI commitments, including our workforce demographics and how we support diversity outside of the work environment, visit our Sustainability Report.

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