
Answering the Call for Affordable, Reliable, Lower Carbon Energy

Chesapeake responsibly develops our leading positions in the Haynesville and Marcellus shales, producing natural gas for domestic and international use. We are based out of Oklahoma City — arguably the industry’s biggest “small town” — with field offices in Louisiana and Pennsylvania.

What We Do

Through our drilling, completion and production operations we generate the most value through capital efficiencies, reduced expenses and a commitment to environmental, social and governance (ESG) excellence.

Horizontal Drilling: We start by drilling a vertical well before extending horizontally, sometimes up to three miles long. Horizontal “legs” can extend in different directions from a single vertical well, allowing access to more oil and natural gas with less surface disturbance. Multiple layers of protective steel casing, surrounded by cement, protect freshwater aquifers and other natural resources during the drilling process.

Completions (Hydraulic Fracturing): After the drilling stage, we utilize hydraulic fracturing to stimulate and recover oil and natural gas resources. Hydraulic fracturing is essential to developing unconventional resources and involves creating tiny micro-fractures that allow oil and natural gas (trapped in shale rock formations) to migrate to the wellbore.

We employ the use of hydraulic fracturing technology for all wells and are committed to industry best practices in well integrity and chemical use. For further transparency around the hydraulic fracturing process, we disclose the ingredients contained within completion fluids to state regulatory agencies and to the public on fracfocus.org.

Production: The final step is placing the well on production. As oil and natural gas flow up the wellbore to the surface, the resources are collected on-site in tanks (oil) or gathering pipelines (natural gas) before being delivered to processing plants and ultimately sold to customers. Wells may flow for up to 40 years and, during this lifecycle, we remain committed to protecting both the wellbore and pad site through automated and employee monitoring systems.

Sustainability Leadership

Our commitment to sustainability means prioritizing safety, reducing our impact on the environment and our communities and being a business partner and employer of choice.

Sustainability Fundamentals

Deliver energy to sustain economic progress and welfare

Minimize emissions from operations

Invest in low-carbon solutions with adjacent technologies

Transparent disclosures with measurable progress

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