The U.S. is Leading in LNG Exports

The liquefied natural gas (LNG) market has quadrupled over the last 20 years and is poised to double by 2025. The U.S. is now both the world’s largest producer of natural gas and the largest LNG exporter.

Source: EIA

U.S. LNG offers significant global benefits including:

  • Plentiful, secure supply
  • Affordability and reliability
  • A regulated U.S. market with high environmental and social standards
  • Opportunity to purchase certified responsibly sourced gas (RSG)
  • Reduced greenhouse gas emissions (replacing coal or other high carbon intensity sources)
  • Ease of transport to countries far from producing areas

Growing U.S. Infrastructure to Meet Global Demand

~14 bcf/d

LNG currently in service

~12 bcf/d

financed LNG facilities under construction (estimated in service 2024 – 2028)

~14 bcf/d

additional LNG expansions in discussion

Sources: EIA and project websites

Chesapeake is LNG Ready

Chesapeake’s assets are best positioned to supply LNG to a growing market.

Deep, Proven Inventory

Responsibly Sourced and Lower Carbon

Flexible Production Growth

Access to LNG Export Facilities

Haynesville positioned to supply LNG

Deep, Proven Inventory

Responsibly Sourced and Lower Carbon

Flexible Production Growth

Access to LNG Export Facilities

Chesapeake was the first U.S. producer to certify the production of two major basins as responsibly sourced gas (RSG). This means that our natural gas has lower emissions intensity — something that LNG buyers, particularly those in Europe, favor when deciding which LNG to purchase.

Chesapeake Recertifies Marcellus Production as Responsibly Sourced Gas
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