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Ipieca, American Petroleum Institute (API) and International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP)

Sustainability Reporting Guidance for the Oil and Gas Industry

CategoryIndicatorCore Reporting ElementsDisclosure LevelDisclosure Location
Governance and Business EthicsGOV-1: Governance ApproachCI: Describe your governance architecture, including the role of the board, board committees, board diversity, executives, managers, the workforce and stakeholdersFullAccountability & Compensation; 2023 Climate Report
C2: Describe your code of conduct, values and principles and how they relate to sustainabilityFullAccountability & Compensation
C3: Describe the way in which your board reviews sustainability issues, including risks and opportunities, supported by examples of their work in actionFullRisk Management; 2023 Climate Report
C4: Provide an overview of, or list, your corporate policies that address sustainability issuesFullAccountability & Compensation
C5: Set out how your board and executives monitor strategic performance and goalsFullLetter from Our CEO; Accountability & Compensation; 2023 Climate Report
GOV-2: Management SystemsC1: Describe the structure and scope of your management systems related to sustainability issues, including ethics and compliance (including the arrangements for non-operated joint ventures)PartialAccountability & Compensation; Supply Chain Management
C2: Discuss how your system helps you assess and address impacts, risks and opportunities and develop actions to mitigate negative and foster positive consequenceFull
Community Relations
; Risk Management; 2023 Climate Report
C3: Describe your company-wide standards that set performance requirements for assets, including internal standards or external international / national standards that you followFullAccountability & Compensation; Supply Chain Management
C4: Describe how your leadership team supports your system at all levels, including how they demonstrate their commitment and how you foster a strong, positive culture throughout the organizationFullAccountability & Compensation; Our People
GOV-3: Preventing CorruptionC1: Describe your governance and management approach, policies, codes of conduct and internal controls, related to prevention of bribery and corruptionFullAccountability & Compensation; Supply Chain Management
C2: Describe your employee awareness and training programmesFullAccountability & Compensation
C3: Discuss how your anti-corruption policies and due diligence procedures apply to your business partners, including suppliers and contractorsFullSupply Chain Management
C4: Outline your processes for reporting, review and follow-up of suspected non-compliancesFullAccountability & Compensation; Supply Chain Management
GOV-4: Transparency of Payments to Host GovernmentsC1: Provide a general overview of your policies and programmes on revenue transparencyFullWe only operate in the U.S., paying local, state and federal taxes. Our taxes paid are listed in Community Relations and Performance Metrics.
C2: Describe the scope of your legal and policy mandates for government revenue reporting with which you are obliged to complyN/ANot applicable – see above
C3: Describe your participation in the EITI, where relevant, or any other voluntary reporting initiatives on revenue transparencyN/ANot applicable – see above
C4: Disclose, or reference sources of disclosure for, your payments to host governments, where reporting is subject to governmental legal or policy mandates, or EITI requirementsN/ANot applicable – see above
GOV-5: Public Advocacy and LobbyingC1: Describe your governance approach and management processes on advocacy and lobbyingFull Political & Trade Participation
C2: Describe your approach to reporting political contributions, where applicable for your companyFullPolitical & Trade Participation
Climate Change and EnergyCCE-1: Climate Governance and StrategyC1: Describe your approach to governance and management of climate-related risks and opportunities, including board-level accountabilities and processes that allow related issues and impacts to be considered when making strategic business decisionsFull2023 Climate Report
C2: Report the highest-level position in your company that is accountable for policy and strategy on addressing climate-related risks and opportunitiesFull2023 Climate Report
C3: Disclose your positions and any related policies that address climate-related risks and opportunities for society and ecosystemsFull2023 Climate Report
C4: Discuss the relationship between future energy supply / demand balances and your climate policy and strategy, including how the transition risk to lower-carbon energy may influence your asset base, business performance and valueFull2023 Climate Report
CCE-2: Climate Risk and OpportunitiesC1: Describe your general approach to managing climate-related risks and opportunities, including discussion on:
identification and evaluation of risks and opportunities
incorporation of risks and opportunities are into business
strategies and planning for existing operations and new projects
risks and opportunities related to energy transition
risk mitigation opportunities through nature based solutions; and
physical climate-related risks, such as rising sea levels or flood risk
Partial2023 Climate Report
C2: Outline your GHG emissions management strategy, including plans, commitments, investments and activities to mitigate GHG emissions within your operationsFullAir Quality; 2023 Climate Report
C3: Explain how you assess, prioritize and manage methane risks and impacts as part of your overall GHG emissions management strategyFullAir Quality; 2023 Climate Report
C4: If you have quantitative GHG emission or energy-related targets, describe the:
scope of your targets – total GHG, CO2, methane, other GHGs, energy use, and/or flaring;
type of targets (absolute or intensity);
targets already underway or planned;
approach used to measure progress towards these targets; and
baseline period and timescale, along with progress towards meeting your targets
Full2023 Climate Report
CCE-3: Lower-Carbon TechnologyC1: Describe how you introduce and apply technologies that reduce CO2 emissions, that relate to:
operations (Scope 1);
imported electricity and steam (Scope 2); and
as applicable, consumer use of products (Scope 3)
FullAir Quality; 2023 Climate Report
C2: As applicable, discuss your approach to supply of lower-carbon and/or alternative energy, including descriptions of relevant operational activities, plans or projects. If relevant, include:
data on amount and type of energy supplied; and
management of any associated social or environmental impact
Partial2023 Climate Report
CCE-4: Greenhouse Gas (GHG) EmissionsC1: Report your company-wide direct GHG emissions (Scope 1), using your preferred approach (operational, equity share or other) to include:
direct CO2;
direct CH4; and
direct other greenhouse gases
FullPerformance Metrics; 2023 Climate Report
C2: Report your company-wide indirect GHG emissions related to imported energy (Scope 2), separate from direct emissions, using the same approach as for C1FullPerformance Metrics; 2023 Climate Report
C3: Report your GHG emissions, disaggregated by business activity. For example, oil and gas production, refining.FullPerformance Metrics; AXPC ESG Metrics;
Specific to our business activity, we only have upstream operations.
C4: Report your GHG emissions intensity, company-wide and, if appropriate, disaggregated by business activityFull2023 Climate Report; Performance Metrics; AXPC ESG Metrics
CCE-5: Methane EmissionsC1: Describe your approach to managing methane emissions, including:
responsibilities for management of methane-related climate issues;
risk assessment and mitigation plans; and
direct or estimated measurement and monitoring methods
FullAir Quality; Performance Metrics; 2023 Climate Report
C2: Discuss your performance in managing methane emissions (as reported in CCE-4) by source and activity in terms of total absolute emissions and emission intensitiesNone
CCE-6: Energy UseC1: Report your company’s total energy useNone
C2: Discuss your initiatives and progress towards improving energy efficiency and consuming less energy. For example, many companies are producing energy on site and using combined heat and power (also known as cogeneration) plants to improve energy efficiency.FullAir Quality
CCE-7: Flared GasC1: Report the total quantity of hydrocarbon gas flared from your operationsFullClimate Metrics; Air Quality; Performance Metrics
C2: Indicate geographical locations of significant flaringFullAir Quality
C3: State any commitments or targets you have set that relate to flaring, including collaboration with cross-industry initiativesFullAir Quality; 2023 Climate Report
C4: Report contribution of flaring to your total GHG emissions in CO2eNone
C5: Describe your current and future flare reduction activities, including long-term reduction improvements versus short-term operational fluctuationsFullAir Quality; 2023 Climate Report
EnvironmentENV-1: FreshwaterC1: Report the total volume of freshwater you withdrawFullWater Management; We consume nearly all of the fresh water we withdraw, therefore we report consumed volumes only (see C2).
C2: Report the total volume of freshwater you consumeFullWater Management
C3: Provide a list and/or a percentage of your projects and operations that are in water-stressed or water-scarce areasFullWater Management; Performance Metrics
C4: Report the percentage of freshwater you withdraw or consume in waterstressed or water-scarce areas, detailing how you reached that percentageFullPerformance Metrics
C5: Report the total reduction in freshwater withdrawn or consumed due to your water reduction measures, including water you replace or recycle / reuse within your reporting boundariesNone
ENV-2: Discharges to WaterC1: For upstream facilities, report the quantity of hydrocarbons (in metric tonnes) and/or annual average concentrations (in mg/l or ppm) in produced water and process wastewater that you discharge to surface waterFullWe don’t discharge any treated water to surface water or for land application.
C2: For refineries and other downstream facilities, report the quantity of hydrocarbons (in metric tonnes) and/or annual average concentrations (in mg/l or ppm) that you discharge to surface waterN/ANot applicable
ENV-3: Biodiversity Policy and StrategyC1:Describe your biodiversity management approach, including policy, positions, goals, strategies, risk / impact assessments, mitigation plans and outcomes. This can include how you apply the mitigation hierarchy and international biodiversity standards in your operational planning, from early concept through to decommissioningFullBiodiversity & Land Stewardship
C2: Provide examples or case studies of operating areas where you have put biodiversity management activities and adaptive management in placeFullBiodiversity & Land Stewardship
C3: Set out your processes for identifying and managing activities in sensitive operating areas, such as Biodiversity Actions Plans. Include the criteria you use to determine sensitivity and any applicable metrics.FullBiodiversity & Land Stewardship
ENV-4: Protected and Priority Areas for Biodiversity ConservationC1: Provide a list and/or a percentage of your projects and operations that are in or near protected areas and priority sites for biodiversity conservationFullBiodiversity & Land Stewardship
C2: Describe your commitments, including avoidance and mitigation measures, that relate to projects and operations in or near protected areas and priority sites for biodiversity conservationFullBiodiversity & Land Stewardship
ENV-5: Emissions to AirC1: Report your total emissions, by category:
volatile organic compounds (VOCs);
sulphur oxides (SOx);
nitrogen oxides (NOx)
FullAir Quality
C2: Discuss how you monitor and manage the impact of your operations on local air quality, including any technologies you use, such as those that remove or treat combustion emissions in operations or fuel productsFullAir Quality
ENV-6: Spills to the EnvironmentC1: Describe your strategies and risk-based approach to prevent accidental releases of hydrocarbons / other materials to the environmentFullSpill Prevention
C2: Report the number and volume of hydrocarbon spills greater than 1 bbl reaching the environmentFullSpill Prevention
C3: Provide case studies or examples of significant spills, as determined by the company, which may include descriptions of the following:
your response measures to address immediate and long-term effects;
any secondary effects on local communities and stakeholders;
your stakeholder engagement;
incident investigation findings, if available, including root-causes; and
actions you are taking to prevent recurrence and share lessons
C4: Describe your emergency preparedness and response programmes, plans, organizational structures and affiliations for an effective response to spills and other emergencies. Your description may include the development and checking of contingency plans, including aspects such as training, skills development, and emergency response exercises.FullRisk Management; Spill Prevention
ENV-7: Materials ManagementC1: Describe your approach to materials management. This may include your operational strategies to optimize design, minimize the amount of materials you use, and promote efficient use while ensuring sustainable recovery and regeneration for further beneficial use.FullBiodiversity & Land Stewardship; Waste Management
C2: Describe your efforts to minimize the generation and disposal of waste, to increase reuse and recycling and to continuously improve your materials management practicesFullWaste Management; Water Management
C3: Report the quantities of waste that you:
dispose; and
recycle, reuse or recover
You may report hazardous and non-hazardous waste separately, or total waste, stating that this includes both hazardous and non-hazardous material.
PartialWaste Management
ENV-8: DecommissioningC1: Describe your approach to planning and executing decommissioning activities for offshore and onshore assetsFullBiodiversity & Land Stewardship
C2: Provide information on management of materials recovered from decommissioning activities including any applicable data on the percentage of materials reuse and recycling, achieved or planned, for significant decommissioning projects (i.e. for major facilities such as offshore production rigs, refineries or major pipelines / terminals)PartialBiodiversity & Land Stewardship
Safety, Health and SecuritySHS-1: Safety, Health and Security EngagementC1: Describe your approach to managing workforce participation in safety, health and securityFullWorkforce Safety; Health & Well-Being
C2: Outline your overall approach to safety, health and security training for the employees and contractors that make up your workforce. Include information on whether training initiatives are extended to other parties, such as non-operated joint ventures, business partners, suppliers, security forces, public emergency response groups, consumers and local communitiesFullWorkforce Safety
C3: Discuss the coverage of your safety, health and security engagement programmes and the extent to which you include contractorsFullWorkforce Safety
SHS-2: Workforce HealthC1: Describe your processes and programmes for identifying and addressing significant workforce health issues at the local, regional and global level, together with any results and plansFullHealth & Well-Being
C2: Describe aspects of your management systems that are specific to health and any improvements you have planned or madeFullWorkforce Safety; Health & Well-Being
C3: Describe your proactive wellness initiatives that encourage the adoption of healthier lifestyles, including nutrition, fitness and awareness of health risk factorsFullHealth & Well-Being
SHS-3: Occupational Injury and Illness IncidentC1: Report your work-related injuries separately for employees and contractors, including:
total recordable injury frequency;
lost time injury frequency;
number of fatalities (excluding illness fatalities);
fatal accident rate (excluding illness fatalities); and
fatal incident rate
FullWorkforce Safety; Performance Metrics
C2: Describe any significant incidents that occurred during your reporting year, detailing the impact and actions taken in responseFullEnvironmental & Safety Management System
C3: Describe any initiatives to improve your safety performanceFullWorkforce Safety
C4: Describe safety incident trends and the most common causes of work-related incidents together with any initiatives you have introduced to address these causesPartialWorkforce Safety
SHS-4: Transport SafetyC1: Describe your risk management approach to transport safety, including policies and practices required within your management systemsFullWorkforce Safety
C2: Report the number of work-related workforce (employee or contractor) fatalities caused by transport incidentsFullWorkforce Safety
C3: Describe your efforts to engage with external parties, including local communities and authorities, to improve transport safety, including education and training and implementation of new technologyPartialCommunity Relations
SHS-5: Product StewardshipC1: For petroleum consumer products, such as fuels, petrochemicals and hydrocarbon-derived polymers and lubricants, discuss your approach to product assessments, for new and existing products and how you address any findingsN/ANot applicable
C2: Describe how you communicate product HSE hazards and risk controls to your customers and the general public, including information on transportation and handling of productsN/ANot applicable
C3: Describe your approach to health, safety and environmental management of productsN/ANot applicable
SHS-6: Process SafetyC1: Number of Tier 1 process safety events reported separately for each major business activity, such as refining or upstreamNone
C2: Provide qualitative descriptions of any significant process safety events that occurred during the reporting year, including your response and lessons learned to prevent recurrenceNone
C3: Explain how you review your assessment and management of process safety risksNone
SHS-7: Security Risk ManagementC1: Describe your approach to security management for existing operations, projects planned or underway and new locations for business activities, including assessment of threats, vulnerabilities and risksFullRisk Management; Security & Cybersecurity
C2: Outline awareness and training processes that address security risks and threat response procedures for your workforce and how you make members of the community aware of relevant security risksFullRisk Management; Security & Cybersecurity
C3: Outline your management approach to promoting resilience to cybersecurity threats or attacksFullSecurity & Cybersecurity
SocialSOC-1: Human Rights Due DiligenceC1: Describe the components of your company’s human rights due diligence approach and how it is applied to company processes to assess, address, monitor and communicate actual or potential human rights impactsFullHuman Rights
C2: Describe processes and practices to provide access to remedy mechanisms at the local level, supported by specific examples as appropriateNone
C3: Describe how human rights considerations are factored into early phase decision making, including project siting and planning for new projects, with joint venture partners, and likewise for decommissioning or sale of operationsNone
C4: Outline the scope, content and tracking of human rights training programmes. You could include figures for people trained in a given year, the proportion trained against the population that may need training, and how you measure the effectiveness of training.None
C5: Report qualitative measures for tracking the effectiveness of implementation and the outcomes of policies and procedures. For example, human rights considerations when evaluating investments.None
SOC-2: Suppliers and Human RightsC1: Describe your approach and processes for promoting respect for human rights by your suppliersFullHuman Rights
C2: Describe how you screen and assess suppliers for social, environmental and human rights-related risksFullSupply Chain Management
SOC-3: Security and Human RightsC1: Describe your relevant policies, programmes and processes relating to security and human rightsFullHuman Rights
C2: Describe how your security and human rights policies, programmes and processes are implemented at the country, regional or facility-specific levelFullOur Human Rights Policy, Information Security Policy and Codes of Conduct apply to all of our operations across the U.S., including each of our field office locations.
C3: Describe communication efforts to implement your commitments on security and human rights with host governments and authorities, contractors and subcontractors, in your supply chain and civil societyN/AWe operate in the U.S. only and more than 99% of our suppliers are U.S. based.
SOC-4: Site-Based Labour Practices and Worker AccommodationC1: Describe your approach to the recruitment and employment of your site-based workforce, including how you communicate your expectations to your suppliers of contract labourFullAccountability & Compensation; Workforce Safety; Supply Chain Management
C2: Describe your approach to monitoring and addressing on-site working conditions, including the quality of worker accommodationFullSupply Chain Management
C3: Describe your approach to engaging with contractor management and the workforce so that their recruitment, employment, working and living conditions are aligned with your company’s expectations and with relevant national or international laws, standards or guidelinesFullAccountability & Compensation; Supply Chain Management
SOC-5: Workforce Diversity and InclusionC1: Describe your policies, programmes and procedures to promote workforce diversity and inclusion, and non-discriminationFullAccountability & Compensation; DEI
C2: Provide workforce composition data for gender and/or other diversity categoriesFullOur People; DEI; Performance Metrics
C3: Discuss workforce composition, particularly with reference to your management positionsFullOur People; Performance Metrics
SOC-6: Workforce EngagementC1: Provide examples of how you engage with your workforce, including examples of approach, frequency, coverage, communication of results and action plansFullOur People
C2: Set out your approach to handling worker concerns and issuesFullOur People
SOC-7: Workforce Training and DevelopmentC1: Describe the key elements of your approach to training and developmentFullAccountability & Compensation; Workforce Safety; Our People
C2: Illustrate how you implement training and development programmes, e.g. hours of training, training investment, number of staff trainedFullOur People; Workforce Safety; Performance Metrics
SOC-8: Workforce Non-Retaliation and Grievance MechanismsC1: Describe your policies, approach and/or mechanisms that aim to secure non-retaliation, non-discrimination and confidentiality when addressing grievances. This might extend to access to third-party independent grievance mechanisms.FullAccountability & Compensation
SOC-9: Local Community Impacts and EngagementC1: Discuss your approach to engagement with relevant stakeholders, including communities, civil society (including human rights defenders), other companies and/or governmentsFullCommunity Relations
C2: Describe your policies, programmes or procedures for:
assessing and addressing local community impacts, including archaeological, historic and cultural sites, and how these considerations are embedded into early phase planning and site / route selection;
engaging with affected stakeholders and responding to their grievances and concerns;
monitoring the effectiveness of the steps you take to prevent, mitigate and resolve adverse impacts; and
public disclosure of information on your activities and management of impacts
FullAccountability & Compensation; Biodiversity & Land Stewardship; Community Relations
C3: Provide case studies that illustrate the effectiveness and results of your engagement with stakeholders and/or how you have managed any impact on local communities, their environmental and cultural resourcesFullCommunity Relations
SOC-10: Indigenous PeoplesC1: Describe your policies, programmes, procedures and practices used to:
identify and address your impacts on Indigenous Peoples;
train your staff on engagement and consultation with Indigenous Peoples;
engage with Indigenous Peoples to seek a formal agreement or FPIC where needed and to address their grievances, concerns and expectations;
collaborate on opportunities that create mutual benefits; and
increase indigenous participation through employment and business opportunities
PartialHuman Rights
SOC-11: Land Acquisition and Involuntary ResettlementC1: Describe your policies, programmes and procedures for involuntary resettlement, including engagement processes and practices with affected communities, including any international standards you have usedFullOur current and planned activities don’t involve any involuntary settlement of people or of their economic activities. Should the potential arise for relocation, Chesapeake will conduct meaningful consultation with affected peoples and their communities to promote fair and just resolutions
C2: Describe your policies, programmes and procedures for land acquisition, including relationship with compulsory purchase / eminent domain when in the public interestFull
Community Relations
; Human Rights
SOC-12: Community Grievance MechanismsC1: Describe your community and stakeholder grievance mechanismsFullAccountability & Compensation; Community Relations
C2: Describe your policies, approach and/or mechanisms for receiving, responding to and resolving external grievances, covering your efforts to manage confidentiality and avoid retaliationFullAccountability & Compensation; Community Relations
SOC-13: Social InvestmentC1: Describe your social investment strategies, programmes and proceduresFullCommunity Relations
C2: Report your company’s total social investment expenditureFullPerformance Metrics; Community Relations
SOC-14: Local Procurement and Supplier DevelopmentC1: Describe your strategies, programmes and procedures that are designed to improve the ability of local suppliers and contractors to support operations and projects, such as actions that help local suppliers meet company and international standardsFullSupply Chain Management
SOC-15: Local Hiring PracticesC1: Describe your strategies, programmes and procedures aimed at providing employment opportunities to residents or nationals of host countriesFullWe only operate in the U.S. and list our employment numbers in Our People and Performance Metrics, as well as our supplier figures within Supply Chain Management.
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