Stewards of the Environment

Chesapeake is committed to respecting the natural resources in our operations, reducing our environmental footprint and complying with all applicable laws and regulations. Environmental stewardship is foundational to who we are and how we operate, as detailed in our Environmental Policy.

Environmental and Safety Management System

The company’s management system covering environmental, safety and operations is designed to identify and address risks within our day-to-day operations and maintain a level of consistency across our operating areas. It builds upon our culture, which is centered around continuous improvement, by offering a structured process to evaluate and improve our business.

Our management system provides the planning and accountability needed to proactively identify and manage risk across the company’s operations.


  • Risk assessment and planning
  • Operational site design


  • Safe operating controls and compliance
  • Emergency response readiness
  • Contractor management


  • Incident management
  • Monitoring, measurement and evaluation


  • Leadership accountability and management
  • Weekly incident and impact review

Safety of All

Protection of Natural Resources

Operational Excellence and Continuous Improvement

Dedicated Company Resources

Support of Industry Regulation

Identifying Risks through Initiatives and Audit Program

Learning from Incidents

Should an incident occur, we have a commitment to learn  from it and, where appropriate, improve our processes. We utilize a root cause investigation system to standardize our reporting and analysis, including determining the source of an incident and discerning where and what improvements are needed.

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