Fostering Strong Supplier Relations

High-quality suppliers are our critical partners in maintaining safe and healthy operations. We recognize the risks inherent with working with third parties and manage these risks through strong governance, high standards and consistent performance evaluation.

Supply Chain At-a-Glance


suppliers onboarded


suppliers evaluated


U.S.-based suppliers


total spend with U.S.-based suppliers

As of Dec. 31, 2023

Supplier Qualification Process

We utilize a robust supplier qualification, sourcing, contracting and performance-management process to ensure our suppliers are delivering safe, efficient and high-quality products or services. Before entering a relationship with a supplier, we evaluate the company’s safety and environmental record and financial performance.

Step 1

Supplier Request form

Supplier must be sponsored by a Chesapeake representative.

Step 2

Registration and Screening

Suppliers register and complete the supplier profile questionnaire. The Supplier Code of Conduct is introduced.

Step 3

Performance Evaluation

The Chesapeake Supplier Quality team conducts a supplier performance evaluation reviewing categories such as environmental performance, financial health and social (health, safety and workplace).

Step 4

Contracting and Enablement

A contract is signed, the Supplier Code of Conduct compliance is confirmed and insurance is verified.

Step 5


Supplier is approved to begin work with Chesapeake.

Upholding Our Supplier Code of Conduct

Our Supplier Code mandates that all suppliers share Chesapeake’s commitment to providing a safe and ethical workplace and to conducting operations in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. Suppliers agree to our Supplier Code, including our Human Rights Policy, during their qualification process and, if found out of compliance, Chesapeake may remove the supplier from the company’s approved list.

Our Supplier Code prohibits:

  • Child labor
  • Forced labor
  • Discrimination in the workplace
  • Harassment and abusive behavior
  • Violence and weapons in the workplace
  • Drug and alcohol use and influence in the workplace
  • Bribery or anti-corruption activities
  • Insider trading
  • Conflicts of interest

All potential Supplier Code violations or other supplier-related concerns can be reported confidentially and anonymously (in any language) through the Chesapeake Ethics and Integrity Helpline for investigation.

Our Supply Chain team monitors the performance of active suppliers using a risk-based approach. Suppliers with higher risk profiles are re-evaluated more frequently, allowing for a faster response should a supplier violate our Supplier Code or not meet our established performance standards. Our suppliers must meet applicable environmental regulations and requirements, at a minimum.

Certain suppliers also participate in Chesapeake’s Supplier Performance Management Program, a scorecard system evaluating each company’s operational, financial and HSER performance. Through this program, suppliers are encouraged to provide feedback to Chesapeake during business review meetings to collaborate and improve our collective performance.

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